Heal Country
“Heal Country”. This year’s #NAIDOC Week theme is a call to recognise, value, protect and continue to care for this incredible land on which we live and work. To do this, it’s important to get to know the true history and identity of this beautiful country and embrace First Nations’ cultural knowledge and understanding of Country.
Throughout NAIDOC week, we delved deeper into learning a bit more about Country and reflecting on the theme. We did this by immersing ourselves in knowing and learning about Country, its true history and identity, so that we can continue to heal and care for country.
Pictured below is a snapshot of our NAIDOC Week celebration, as we shared the traditional names of some familiar CBDs and communities in which Assetlink serves.

Source: https://www.sbs.com.au/nitv
Assetlink Celebrates NAIDOC Week 2021

This learning journey is an integral step for this year’s theme #HealCountry. This NAIDOC Week was a great opportunity to truly recognise, respect and continue to care for this incredible land on which we live, work and serve.
We remain committed to continue looking after our people, places and country.
To view Assetlink’s full NAIDOC Week activity click on #AssetlinkNAIDOC.
This learning journey is an integral step for this year’s theme #HealCountry. This NAIDOC Week was a great opportunity to truly recognise, respect and continue to care for this incredible land on which we live, work and serve.
We remain committed to continue looking after our people, places and country.
To view Assetlink’s full NAIDOC Week activity click on #AssetlinkNAIDOC.
This learning journey is an integral step for this year’s theme #HealCountry. This NAIDOC Week was a great opportunity to truly recognise, respect and continue to care for this incredible land on which we live, work and serve.
We remain committed to continue looking after our people, places and country.
To view Assetlink’s full NAIDOC Week activity click on #AssetlinkNAIDOC.