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25 Years Young!

Posted 01 Nov 2018 by Vicky Shum

Find out about our journey from our founders

Assetlink 25 year young

Assetlink is 25 years young this year, and it’s amazing and hard to believe at the same time. Milestones are a wonderful reason to celebrate as well as an opportunity to pause and reflect.

Looking back, persistence has been a constant theme in the Assetlink journey. Twenty-five years in business is a humbling achievement, and something Founders Aurora Fonte and Franco Fonte naturally feel very proud of.
One of the most important factors of our success has been our strong sense of family and values. Every team member, every client and every connection made throughout the years have automatically become an important part of the Assetlink family. Together we have worked to establish a culture of respect and support, one where we look out for each other and have each other’s backs.
“Every day I am reminded of what it takes to survive and thrive, and I am continually inspired by the commitment of our people, clients and all our partners. I feel truly grateful for what we have learned in building this business. We could not have achieved any of this without each other. Our success is a reflection of every person in the business today and everyone who has worked with us over the last twenty-five years. With deepest gratitude and acknowledgement, thank you for all that you have done and keep doing.
With the greatest love and respect, Aurora & Franco”
With trust, value, and respect deeply woven into the Assetlink culture, it is with utmost passion and a relentless desire to continue enriching every interaction and experience that we look forward to many more years to come – together as one. Now and always. 

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